
Estenosis pulmonar


What is it?

The pulmonary valve opens to let blood flow from the right ventricle to the lungs. Narrowing of the pulmonary valve (valvar pulmonary stenosis) causes the right ventricle to pump harder to get blood past the blockage.

More information for parents of children with pulmonary valve stenosis

What causes it?

在大多数儿童中,病因不明. 这是一种常见的心脏缺陷. 有些孩子除了PS还会有其他心脏缺陷.


正常情况下,心脏的右侧将血液泵入肺部. 在一个患有PS的孩子身上, the pressure is much higher than normal in the right pumping chamber (right ventricle) and the heart must work harder to pump blood out into the lung arteries. 随着沙巴足球体育平台的推移,这会对过度劳累的心肌造成损害.


If the stenosis is severe, especially in babies, some cyanosis (blueness) may occur. 大一点的孩子通常没有症状.


The pulmonary valve can be treated to improve the obstruction and leak, 但是瓣膜不能恢复正常.

Treatment is needed when the pressure in the right ventricle is high (even though there may be no symptoms). In most children the obstruction can be relieved during cardiac catheterization by balloon valvuloplasty. 在这个过程中, a special tool, 气囊:装有气球的导管, 穿过肺动脉瓣吗. The balloon is inflated for a short time to stretch open the valve. 有些孩子可能需要手术.


如果梗阻是轻微的, or if the PS obstruction has mostly been relieved with a balloon or surgery, your child may not need any special precautions regarding physical activities, 并且可以参加正常活动而不会增加风险.


The long-term outlook after balloon valvuloplasty or surgery is excellent, 通常不需要药物,也不需要额外的手术. Your child's pediatric cardiologist will examine your child periodically to look for uncommon problems such as worsening of the obstruction again.


询问孩子患心内膜炎的风险. Children who have had pulmonary valve replacement will need to receive antibiotics before certain dental procedures. 请参阅 Endocarditis 了解更多信息.



What causes it?

在大多数情况下,病因尚不清楚. 这是一种常见的心脏缺陷. Babies born to mothers who had rubella (German measles) during pregnancy were more likely to develop pulmonary stenosis along with deafness and patent ductus arteriosus. 有些病人除了PS还会有其他心脏缺陷.


正常情况下,心脏的右侧将血液泵入肺部. 在一个有PS的人, the pressure in the right-heart pumping chamber (right ventricle) is much higher than normal and the heart must work harder to pump blood out into the lung arteries. 随着沙巴足球体育平台的推移,这会对过度劳累的心肌造成损害. When the valve is regurgitant it can cause the right ventricle to enlarge.


If the PS is severe, adults may complain of chest pain, exercise intolerance or have no symptoms. Cyanosis is rare and usually occurs only when there is an atrial or ventricular septal defect as well.

如果缺陷仍然存在怎么办? 成年后应该修复吗?

The valve can be treated to improve the obstruction, 但是瓣膜不能恢复正常.

Treatment is needed when the pressure in the right ventricle is high (even though there may be no symptoms). In most patients the obstruction can be relieved during cardiac catheterization (referred to as 介入性或治疗性导尿球囊瓣膜成形术. 在这个过程中, a special catheter containing a balloon 穿过肺动脉瓣吗. The balloon is inflated for a short time to stretch open the valve.

In some cases the valve cannot be treated by balloon valvuloplasty. 然后需要手术来缓解/纠正狭窄.


如果PS是温和的, or if the PS has mostly been relieved with a balloon or surgery, 你可能不需要任何特别的预防措施, 并且可以参加正常活动而不会增加风险.


The long-term outlook after balloon valvuloplasty or surgery is excellent, 而且通常不需要药物. Your cardiologist will examine you regularly to look for problems such as worsening of the obstruction or leakage of the pulmonary valve.

Ongoing Care


如果你的PS很严重, you'll need ongoing care to check for symptoms or problems related to PS and you made need further procedures to correct the problem. 是轻度还是中度, you'll need ongoing follow-up so your cardiologist can check any signs of strain or weakening of your right ventricle. You should also consult a cardiologist with expertise in caring for adults with congenital heart disease before you undergoing any type of non-heart surgery or invasive procedure.


If you have mild-to-moderate PS, you probably won't need to limit your physical activity. If it's severe, you may need to limit your activity until the valve is dilated or replaced because of strain on the right ventricle or risk of arrhythmias. 向你的心脏病专家咨询锻炼建议.


If you have PS, you don't need to take antibiotics to prevent endocarditis unless you've had prior endocarditis or you've had valve replacement. 请参阅 Endocarditis 了解更多信息.


如果你有轻微的PS,你可能不会有任何症状. 是中度还是重度, you may not tolerate exercise well and may have shortness of breath or palpitations.


You'll likely handle pregnancy well if you have mild or moderate PS. 如果你的PS很严重,怀孕的风险可能更高. In these cases your cardiologist should be involved in your care during pregnancy and delivery. 请参阅 Pregnancy 更多信息请参阅本小册子的后面部分.


肺动脉瓣可能渗漏, 称为肺反流(PR), 手术或球囊介入后. If you develop symptoms or problems with your right ventricle due to PR, 你可能需要手术来更换肺动脉瓣. If the valve becomes more obstructed catheterization to dilate the pulmonary valve may be required.