Be Science Savvy to Avoid Falling for Health Trends and Fad Diets

woman with skeptical expression

Have you tried every new fad diet and quick-fix health trend? Have you found them to lack results and long-term benefits? 最新的流行趋势可能很诱人,但往往听起来好得令人难以置信——事实往往如此. Armed with some solid 太ls, 你可以整理伪科学和虚假的健康沙巴足球体育平台,找出持久健康结果的可靠解决方案. To get started, let’s use Moe’s story.

Moe正在努力减肥,并且愿意尝试任何方法. 他咨询了朋友们,朋友们告诉他一种新的热潮:女巫饮食. 显然, if he added a brew of bat’s wing, eye of newt and frog legs to his meal plan, he was guaranteed to shed the pounds.



简单性: Moe loved the path of least resistance — we all do. 从很久以前开始,这种生存的冲动就一直伴随着我们,那时每一多余的卡路里都事关生存. 因为女巫饮食听起来很简单,效果也很好,所以萌还得听更多.

新颖性: Moe was bored with the same old diet plan and workout routine. His brain identified the witch diet as something new, 它下意识地迫使他去寻找未知的回报. 毕竟,不进行调查可能会导致错失良机.

恐惧: Fear of missing out (FOMO) was built into Moe’s psyche. 没有人想被排除在外,尤其是当你可以看到其他人在网上干什么的时候. Moe was compelled to join his friends and not be the odd one out. 

莫伊仍然不确定——饮食中的某些东西触动了他的蜘蛛感官. So next he “researched” what the interwebs had to say. He couldn’t deny all the pictures he saw online: attractive, 精益, muscular people with the brew in hand. The diet must be working, right?


嗯,可能不会. 如果莫伊知道在评估新信息时需要考虑的一些事情,那就会有所帮助:


Even when Moe came across claims that the new diet didn’t work, he quickly passed over them and skipped to the next post. 这并不令人意外. 研究表明,我们的大脑倾向于支持我们想要相信的证据. 例如, 一项研究表明,当一个话题有两个不同的演讲时, 绝大多数听众选择了支持他们已经持有的观点的观点. 当你可以坐下来接受验证时,为什么要挑战你的信念呢?


Of course, there were success stories to be found. 庞大的样本量几乎保证了所有可能的结果都会发生. 如果莫伊向空中扔了一百万枚硬币,其中一些几乎肯定会掉落在边缘上. However, that doesn’t mean they would usually land that way. 同样,更多的人会为自己的成功而欢呼,而不是承认失败. 尽管如此,他的网上动态还是充斥着节食成功的故事, 统计, there were way more fails that no one was boasting about.


这种啤酒获得了减肥的所有荣誉,但真正的明星可能是安慰剂效应. That’s when someone experiences a result through suggestion alone. 取, 例如, 当你吃了一些东西后头痛消失时(即使你拿的是薄荷糖而不是止痛药). You expect the headache to go away, and so it does. In the case of the witch diet, 也许很多人不那么饿了,体重也减轻了,因为他们被告知这种啤酒可以抑制食欲.


Moe没有考虑到,虽然一些人在节食减肥, it wasn’t because of the potion. 也许, 而不是, 他们一直在追逐青蛙和蝙蝠来混合自己的啤酒,在这个过程中,他们得到了更多的锻炼. 在其他情况下,啤酒可能是饮食和锻炼生活方式改变的一部分. It wasn’t really the brew that made the difference. It was all the other things. So, weight loss and the witch brew were correlated, which means they were related, but one wasn’t actually causing the other.


最后, 莫伊不知道法式餐饮正在走下坡路,而青蛙腿的经销商也在寻求出售库存. 他们炮制了女巫食谱,并添加了令人发指的说法,以吸引更多的人加入这个计划. 和 as sales soared, the claims got even more outrageous. 市场营销 often plays a huge role in the hype around a new trend. 但是,所有这些广告费用并不一定转化为承诺的结果.


So, what can we learn from Moe’s experience? For starters, stay clear of anecdotal evidence and marketing hype. 下一个, 从可信的来源寻找基于当前研究的文章,公平准确地报告研究结果. 和, 最后, 搜索符合严格科学标准的被引用研究, 包括可靠的科学. 



If two out of four people lost weight on a particular diet, it doesn’t mean 500 out of 1,000年, 太. Small sample sizes in a study simply don’t cut it. 需要大的数字来支持统计上重要的主张.


研究应同时设计对照组和实验组. 在这些类型的研究中, 研究对象是随机分配的,以避免研究人员的选择偏差, placebo effects and other anomalies.


The outcome of one study could be a fluke. 但是,如果结果被复制和重复几次,研究就更有可能是可信的. 荟萃分析是对许多类似研究进行回顾和分析的研究. But if one isn’t available for your topic of interest, 至少要确保结论不是凭空得出的.


来源也很重要. 一篇发表在“Frog-Legs-R-Us”上的研究,如果是在阐述爬行动物的鸡腿的优点,那可能是值得怀疑的. Make sure sources don’t have a (marketing) reason to be biased.

下一次,如果一种说法听起来好得令人难以置信,不要重蹈莫伊的覆辙. 确保它不是因为错误的原因吸引你,并且所谓的证据是合法的. 从可信的、以科学为基础的来源寻找研究,以获得真实的故事. Avoid falling prey to fads, so you can be healthy for good!